Monday 7 October 2013


We all know what the word is, and most think they know how it feels. 
     Recently I've had so much going on in my life, worry troubles, finding a job, house problems. A lot has been thrown on my plate at one time. 
    I have been through quite a lot in my life, my mother passed away when I was very young and soon after I sadly lost my grandad and last year my nan had a tough struggle with cancer, and she ended up passing away in October. 
    The point im trying to make is, ive been through a lot but I'm generally normally a very happy person. I normally always have a smile on my face, and these last few months things have gone from bad to worse. I do worry a lot anyway, but now I feel like I'm alone in the world and everything is left to me to sort. I can't sleep at night and then eventually when I do sleep, I think to myself what do I have to get up for? I've been very sad worrying about everything! 
     It's the worst feeling in the world, everything in your past basically runs after you when your down and helps drag you down further. But I will not be beaten! I know there are people a lot worse of then me in this world. But I feel alone. Like no one cares or wants to help. ( maybe I'm feeling sorry for myself) but its how stress/depression catches up to you. 
I know today's post has even a lot different but I thought it might help me writing it thinking it getting it out. 
Thank you for reading! 

Tuesday 24 September 2013


A different post today! 
Friendships. I have a good close group of friends that I've had since school. Some times we don't see each other but it doesn't matter feels like weve not been apart when we get back together. 
These last 2 years me and friends have been through so much. Car accidents to holidays, bad times, happy times, tears and laughter. Ambulances, pregnancies and babies! College, exams a levels and university. Operations, to funerals, weddings to break ups. Hospital visits, to parties. New cars, to getting your car written off! About ten different hair colours and 100 cuts! Money spent, money saved,Bills paid. Moving out to hangovers. Pets to clothes, to engagments! We've all done so much over these last 2 years, all been there when we've been needed for support or to party with! Happiest times and sadest.
I am so lucky to have such a great group of friends! Treasure yours. Always <3 

Wednesday 18 September 2013

New foudation!!!!!!!!

A few products to talk about everyone! Very exciting ones too!
 This foudation is perfect! I recently bought ' glamour ' and it had this in a sample sachet, so I thought I'd try it out. I loved it from the moment it touched my skin! It makes your face feel so smooth. Normally foudation doesn't last long for me, but I have been wearing this from 9am it is now 7pm, and it hasn't bugged! It's incredible, it's like a mouse type consintancy when you apply it, but it doesn't clinge to dry patches like most mousse foundations. I was extremely surprised.
      The price is also good, I think depending on where you buy it, it's anything upto £7-£8. I bought mine from my local chemist. I live in a village so it's really the only option. Sadly they only have one stand, but luckily seeing as I wanted this product. It was great news that it was a Rimmel stand! Yay. It was a very cheap, £4.99 can you believe how cheap that it!!!!!
A 10/10

Thursday 5 September 2013


Doesn't everyone love a good selfie! Everyone should do it more often. Time to pose! 
Ive been feeling so happy recently that I've had time to do my hair and make up. It makes you feel so much better. I think everyone should take extra time on their selfs because it makes so much difference to a person! 
Time to feel great season is coming everyone! 

Sunday 18 August 2013


I went into town today, and I finally bought something that I've had my eye on for ages! ' nutregeona wave ' I've seen so many bloggers talk about it. And obviously have seen it advertised on the tv. 
      I'm writing this post in two halves, well that's the plan, the purchase and then the review on what I think about it and if it's worth buying etc. 
This is obviously what the product looks like in it's packaging.

It looks very different and fun ish to use, instead of a normal cleanser or face wash. It makes it a bit of a change and quite exciting to see if it'll work. 
When you first open it obviously it has the main thing, then 14 extra pads and batteries, and decent batteries too not cheap ones that will run out straight away. Which is obviously quite good. 
I actually bought this along with 30 spare pads from ' home bargains ' you have to change the pad after every use so obviously you need a few stocked up if you want to use it often. 
The product was £2.99 which was amazing! And the pads were 99p! It makes you think how much superdrug and places must earn from things like this! It's crazy 
I used this product tonight, and love it, it doesn't soap up too much, and has made my skin feel so soft it's insane!, I love it. Let's hope that it helps with my bad pores and my spots! Fingers crossed but love what I have done so far! It seems to do miracles! :D I recommend it so far xD 
Thanks for reading everyone! 
Nicola xxx

Thursday 15 August 2013

New foundation!!!!

It's a new foundation :), I bought this and I don't even think I knew what I was buying, because as soon as I got it home and opened it, I realised it was actually the one I wanted, as I had seen quite a few adverts etc about it and thought it was great. So you can imagine my huge smiling excited face when I opened it and actually realised that it was a better purchase than I originally thought :) 
It's ' collections cover and go ' 
As you can see on the picture it has a mirror and concerlar included. 

 sadly when I used it i didnt like it. So what a dossapointed that was. It was stickyish. It's hard to explain it didn't make my face cakey, it did have a weird smell. Not exactly bad, but not very nice either. The concerlar seemed ok under the eyes, but on spots it was terrible! It made no difference what so ever. The foundation stuck to dry patches making them look even worse. I think it was about £5, so I was a little dissapointed with the results but I guess I'll get over it, And try for another one :), 
Obviously everyone has their favourite foundations, but we all need to try something new every now and again. 
Has anyone tried gosh cc creame? Because I want a lighter coverage foundation/ moisturiseriser and that was the product I picked up to start with. So maybe that will be reviewed next week! 
Thanks for reading as always, 
                                   Nicola xxx

Stretch mark time!

We all know everyone man or female, they will have at least one stretch mark, it's more likely it women because of pregnancy. But obviously that isn't the only cause. They make you feel insecure about certain parts of your body. 
I'm a person with stretch marks, I don't have a baby, so that's not my excuse. Really I don't have an excuse. In the long run its all just my fault anyway. When I was at school obviously your still growing, but I started to put a lot of weight on. Ending up at a size 16, there is no problem with that, but aswell as growing, it ended up badly for me. 
       At first I had no clue what was going on, but soon began to realise, I had stretch marks coming on my inner thighs, ( how embarrassing ) there was nothing I could do I tried to lose weight I tried creams nothing worked. Now I'm older, I've lost weight( still not as small as I want YET! ) but I have a partner he doesn't care obviously he loves me looking my worst. 
       But it makes you feel rubbish, getting in a bikini on holiday in case some one sees them. 
       So does anyone know any tricks to get rid? Today I bought some oil, it's just a cheap non known brand because I don't actually know if they are any good? If anyone recommends one I might try it, but I thought I might as well just try this first.
As you can see I have no idea what the brand is ( Osiris avise) French maybe? But it was £1! From savers uk. ( maybe you can buy abroad or online) but what a bargain, and if it doesn't work I won't of lost out on too much money. I put some on tonight, and I thought it would leave me feeling sticky and horrible like baby oil does, but it dried quite quickly, so let's hope it works. Does anyone know how long they normally take to work?! 
So if you want to try something cheap for your stretch marks, try savers. They had quite a few different ones. Including the well known bio oil. 
Thanks for reading. Sorry for the lack of posts, but I have a few coming up :) 
                                               Nicola xxx

Monday 12 August 2013

Hair crazy!

I was surfing the wonderful world wide web today. Dont really know why, but I always wondered why you get more in shampoo then conditioner. Why is that? I always believed it was because you should shampoo your hair twice, I don't know why, I don't know who said that's what you should do. I was googling. Because you know that answers every question .....  Not! But so many people said they don't even use conditioner and also loads said they don't use shampoo. I don't understand it, is there anyone like that out there? I couldn't imagine only using one. My hair would be horrible dry and just plain minging. 
       I love treating my hair to a good conditioner. But any way where was we, what does everyone else think the reason is for the different in size? Some are exactly the same, but there are certain ones that I dont even realise until I read the bottle. Why oh why? And doesn't it just annoy you that the product isn't as full as the packaging. What a waste of excess plastic. But never mind, I guess to
People it doesn't matter. 
       So what's best for your hair? What do you lot do to it? I need some holy grail products, I've heard a lot about macadamia oils, so maybe that's coming up soon ( if I can find it around my area) 
Thanks for reading :) 
                                                Nicola xxx

Sunday 11 August 2013

Help me out guys!

I need everyone's help to get to 600 views this week. It would put a huge smile on my face, and I would do my best after this to make good posts, well as many of possible beauty related for everyone! So can everyone that lands on this post check out my blog, very thing tagged below, is on my blog somewhere so check it out. Comment any requests for the next month, and I'll do my best! Thanks everyone in advance! 
                                                Nicola xxx

Avon's best mascara

I found this mascara today, it's obviously been lost for a very long time, I forgot I even owned it. It's amazing, and now I remember what I was missing! 
And that is this beautiful Avon mascara! 
The bad thing is, is I haven't even seen this is a catalogue for a while, but I'm sure you can still buy it, either on the Avon website or eBay etc. you can buy everything off eBay that you can't buy anywhere else. Amazing creation, isn't it! Not that I understand eBay, I'm an amazon person at heart, but when I've seen something I need in my life, I make my financee sort it for me because I don't understand it! Confusing! :)
But this mascara is wonderful, as you can its beautiful packaging for a mascara, now you normally get a black mascara with a brand on it. It's as simple as that. 
It's very thick and has a wonderful flexible big brush, curles and deffinelty defines and thickens. I can't get along with the thin applicators they do nothing for me. 
This one is great and you should deffo see if you can find it online for sale anywhere. 
' Avon super shock mascara' they might actually see the same one but with different packaging. Maybe this one was limited edition. Check it out guys :) 
Thanks for reading 
Love you all 
                                     Nicola xxx

Random Sunday's!

A few random things for you today. Basically not a very exciting post!, but never mind :p 
Today I popped Into town, which was a nightmare! Living at the ' seaside' this time of year is horrible as you can imagine! People with like ten prams twenty family members, twelve wheelchairs and five dogs walking together in a big huddle! And this sounds silly but it's true it's insane! Screaming kids, crying babies eugh horrible time of the year. This is why I think I always prefer winter it easier to do your shopping etc. I went into home bargains, if you dont know what it is ; it's like pound land etc but a little better. Great for cleaning products and stuff. Ours has just changed buildings so it's a lot bigger, more room to fit more holiday makers in. I'm greatful because they are the people that make the business's money but it's us locals that have to do deal with it! Anyway on to the point, sorry for babbling on :) 
Me and my partner popped out for some essentials, while I was there I found these , a shampoo and a conditioner. 
As you can see from the picture they are in pink packaging ( huge plus ) they claim to make brittle hair feel like silk after one wash. Don't they all claim that? But Schwarzkopf is normally a very good brand so I thought id give it a try. And they were only £1 each! What a bargain, £2 for shampoo and conditioner, my mouth nearly hit the floor with shock. I thought even if it's rubbish I can't complain for £2. 
       I was most annoyed my superdrug, I have been checking their online website and have seen that the maybelline baby lips have just hit the uk. So I got my self all excited planning on buying a few, as they look great, I've heard lots of great things and are responsibly priced. And sadly because my town is crap crap crap! They haven't started stocking them yet. So I have two options.... Wait, or buy online. Which do you think I will end up doing first ;) so excited to try them :) 
Thank you for reading, I know today's post wasn't very interesting but I had high hopes for today and was wry upset when I couldn't get what I wanted :( 
Love you all, 
                                     Nicola xxx

Saturday 10 August 2013

Treat yourself !

What to buy what to buy?! Has anyone got any reccomendations, weather it's hair related, skin care, body or make up. 
It's you guys that need to help! I want to treat myself but I don't know what to, that's the problem! 
I'm sure I'll find something, I want some better foundation, I love mine currently but i feel a change. I've heard a lot of different ones, so maybe that's my next purchase, and maybe some blusher.
I'm hoping to find some major holy grails this week. 
I want to re dye my hair if I get time and treat it to a real deep condiontioning treatment, prob my aussie or loreal. whilst soaking in the bath with a new face mask, anyone got any to suggest :) 
Everyone loves a treat now and again, spending money on products. 

I know it's a random post but here in England its 12.51 and I can't sleep, I'm all caffeined up on energy drinks! Hyper smiling! 
Love everyone that reads my blog :) thanksssss 
                                                Nicola xxx

Thursday 8 August 2013


Each day I wake up and check my blog for views ( I know it's sad ) but it's just starting to show that the effort I put in isn't for nothing. People are actually reading what I have to talk about. 
        Everyone knows that life gets hard, blogger helps me take my mind of things; it gives me something to do, something to get happy about. 
          The truth it I can't always afford to e buying new products to review, I try my best. But at the moment I'm actually on sick benefit, ( which is horrible ) I have been since January, and by the looks of it I won't be coming off any time soon. I have had an operation that has left me missing part of my front skull. So it makes normal live activities quite hard. It's a horrible feeling when you cant do all the things in live a young person of my age should be doing. All together so far I've wasted a whole month just being stuck in a hospital bed. 
         Also waiting is a nightmare, because I am waiting for 2 more operations that makes this situation look like its goof to last a long time. I'm trying my best to get different cheaper alternatives of make up to review. And I will try my best from now on. Weather it's a few, or quit a big haul. I'm trying my best I promise, so bear with me, because I'm doing this all for you guys! Your the people that read blogs watch vlogs for reviews and tips. 
         I'll have something for you soon, what it Is I dont know yet! 

Thank you for reading, and putting up with the lack of products. I will get there :) 
                                                Nicola xxx

Wednesday 7 August 2013


I need a haul, and I promise I'm going to try my best to do one as soon as I possibly can, my life is a bit hectic not like busy busy busy, but it like ring this person post this, email so and so, and it's finding time sitting down and ordering things that I won't regret buying. 
Anyone tried anything from elf that they loved?! 
I've had some very good products from there and some not so great, that bad I have actually lost the product and I can't even be bothered to try and find it because it was a bit rubbish. I want some new make up bits, I normally buy brushes etc from elf, but I don't need any new ones, so I thought about focusing on lip products, and face and eyes. Basically I've just explained elf without even meaning too! Ooopps silly me :) 
So this is a request blog, a request to you people of the world! Has anyone tried anything they liked, think I should get? 
Or has anyone had a bad product and would like to warn me off. Or even if there's something you want me to review before you buy it feel free! 
Comment below if you have anything to say, honestly I would love to hear from the people that manage to stumble across my blog, I'd really appreciate talking to some of you! 
Thank you very much. 
Love hugs and kisses!!!!

                                               Nicola xxx

Finally new mac brushes! :)

My mac brushes have arrived. And I'm so excited to use them. This post is going to be a little confusing. As I'm writing this I haven't used them yet just felt how soft the bad boys are! 
I'm going to do a first impressions and then a review all in one post so if you wonder why it's all over the place, then now you are warned! 
My first impressions 
Obviously as anyone who owns any of these brushes know, they are beautiful! I couldn't believe how soft they were, which you expect them to be because of the price, but you can't imagine how soft they are if you haven't felt them. What a great buy. I'm just hoping that I feel the same way after using them whilst getting ready!
I love my new brushes! It makes me regret not buying them before now, they are great. Soft on the skin, perfect shape And size. It means I can explore different things with my eyes, because I've always wanted to get into eye shadow but not been possible because I haven't had the right equipment, and I can explore different smokey eye effects etc. the face brushes are great because they don't fill the brush with so much product so that your face looks like you've slapped it on, I'm excited to show you guys what's possible with a good brush! 
Honestly if you was thinking about buying some, you should because they are great, and hopefully long lasting! 
Save up and treat yourself! 
Thanks for reading 
                                     Nicola xxx

Sunday 4 August 2013

Mac brushes :)

I mentioned the other day about mac brushes ( and yes I know I said I wouldn't do high end products) but I thought some people would be interested. I have saved up some of my hard earned pennies and can treat myself every once in a while. And I think this is the first big thing I've bought myself and I'm excited awaiting the brushes arrival to their new home! 
      Today I'm just going to quickly talk about what brushes I have bought, and explain what qualities mac thinks they have. Also after this maybe in 2 weeks maybe be longer, I will review the brushes for you one by one in detail and rate them so you can see what I think :) 
       Let's start then! 
208- angled brow brush, 
This was a deffinate on my list because it has the the angle to the brush that claims to make it easier to apply product. 
This is what mac say, 
208 Angled Brow Brush thumbnailApplies colour to the brow. Use to define or add fill. Its precise angled tip provides pro-style application. Synthetic / natural blend fibre. Use to apply powder, liquid or cream products.

This one is £16.50 

242- shader brush,  I have heard good thing about this brush. All my eye shadow brushes are old rubbish and not very good, I want to experiment with colors and I can't do that without the equipment so I'm hoping this will help me. 

242 Shader Brush thumbnailFor powder, concealer or emollient-based product application. This brush has firm fibres carefully shaped to form a rounded edge for a smooth, even finish. M·A·C professional brushes are hand-sculpted and assembled using the finest quality materials. They feature birch, linden and ramin wood handles, nickel-plated brass ferrules.

This one is £20 

150- large powder brush. I'm excited to use this because everyone loves a good powder face brush. All the ones I have used are cheap and don't last long and all the Brissels come out onto your fce so I'm hoping that won't happen. 

150 Large Powder Brush thumbnailFull and dense for dusting loose or pressed powder on face or body. This brush is particularly good for blush application with soft fibres that form a full, rounded shape. M·A·C professional brushes are hand-sculpted and assembled using the finest quality materials. They feature birch, linden and ramin wood handles, nickel-plated brass ferrules.

This one is £33.50 

129- powder/blush brush. Obviously this is what it says a blusher brush. Well that's what I plan on using it for. A blusher brush changes the whole face apparence alot because you want it to be lined perfect, not to much in the wrong place. 

129 Powder/Blush Brush thumbnailAll-purpose for blush or face powder. This brush is particularly good for blush application. The fibres are soft and form a full, rounded shape. M·A·C professional brushes are hand-sculpted and assembled using the finest quality materials. They feature birch, linden and ramin wood handles, nickel-plated brass ferrules.
This one is £27

Saturday 3 August 2013


Howdy people!!! Today I thought I would talk about mascara's ones I am using, or ones I have used in the past. My honest thoughts on them. I have a few different brands in here. And most of they claim to do different things, as many products most are lying. I will rate out of 10. And price everything for you ( best as I can )

I am going to have to apologise now, because for some reason my blogger is playing up today, and won't let me upload photos the best I can do I'm afraid is link the Avon website after each product so you can view the item! VERY SORRY! :( 

 ' spectra lash ' by Avon. I've had this mascara for quite a long time. I think I bought it when it was on promotion, because I can be quite tight with Avon, but I don't see the point in paying full price when you receive the brochures from a rep. I don't like to pay full price because I could just buy it off the website. ( might as well grab a bargain while you can ) 

       It's a good mascara. It has 3 different settings along the bottom apparently they are supposed to change the thickness what it does to your eye lashes. I don't believe any of the settings make a difference. Don't get me wrong I like the mascara but I don't think that matters. It lengthens my small lashes quite a bit. It also does miracles to my bottom lashes. 

      I would buy this product again if it was on promotion. This original price is £10 I think mine was either half price at £5 or just over at £6. I don't mind paying that for a mascara, but £10 seems a bit steep when it's an Avon product. 

I am going to give this product a 7/10, because I do like the mascara but I don't understand the 3 different settings I think it was a waste of packaging ( which means more money ) 

Link below

' thick and fast ' this is a soap and glory mascara. I actually got this at christmas in a big bundle gift of lots of different products. I maybe would of bought it eventually but this gift shop helped me decide and I didn't have to buy it individually. 

        It's a great mascara, as I've said before I have terrible lashes so anything that's going to lengthen them is a miracle! This does the job for me. It doesn't really thicken them

Out much, but it helps with the length which is obviously a crucial thing aswell. Its just as important. No girl wants to have a eye full of make up and still look like you have no eye lashes! This helps, not as much as others but it's still good. It claims to be a ' super volume mascara ' which I disagree with, which is a little annoying because it's a little lie, but besides that I do actually like it. 

      You can buy this product from boots. It retails at £10. I wouldn't buy this again separately but I would be happy enough to get it in a Christmas set again. 

I give it a 6/10 because it lengthens but doesn't thicken my lashes.  I also think as I have Sao before :p it's to much to spend on a average mascara for me personally, because I bought the set for just £28 and received a bundle of things! 

The link below

' elf 3 in 1 ' this is obviously a mascara you can only buy online. And I'm sure you all know what ELF is. 

     If not it isn't a little person that makes toys at Christmas. It stands for eyeslipsface. It's an online make up brand. I am pretty sure it's worldwide aswell. I know for deffinate you can get it in America and the uk. It is extremely cheap. 

    Back onto the topic :). This mascara is amazing, especially for the price. It's not like normal mascara's, it has the plastic wandc but then has a small ball on the end for the lashes in the corners and then the small bottom lashes. Which I think is a great feature. I know other mascaras have this quality too but this is the only one I have tried. It really does work. 

     Some times we all struggle with those lashes that are hard to get to, so this mascara makes life easy. It brings out the lashes, makes them thick and longer looking. Which is what we all ask for. 

        I give this product a 9/10 the only reason it isn't a ten is because If you run out its not just a simple trip to the shop. You have to order online which means you have to pay for shipping ( unless there is a promotion ) so this makes it slightly awkward. 

Link below,

' False lash telescopic' by loreal. This is an old mascara I don't have it anymore, but I thought I'd include it into the list. I don't know why I haven't bought it again to be honest, maybe one day :) to be Honest I thought they had stopped selling it, but was surprised to find it on boots :) 

       I remember having this mascara when I was quite young and nieve about make up. I didn't really expect miracles ( or maybe I did ) but it's great! It is a thin brush so your lashes don't clump together, and it helps make them have that ' false lash effect ' obviously it isn't as good as false lashes but you can't expect it to be. False lashes are thick. And even though this helps to thicken them, they would be no way they would be that thick. it is £10.99 from boots. 

         I'm going to give this product a 9/10, the product is great so is the packaging. But obviously so far this is the most expensive mascara I've mentioned. And obviously I'm supposed to rate cheaper alternatives and this isn't one of them. I reccommend the product, but if it was £3-£4 cheaper. 

Link below

Thank you for reading! Hope it's given a few of you some ideas on a few mascara's :D 

                                                        Nicola xxx

Wednesday 31 July 2013


I know I never talk about high end but I fancy a little treat, what mac brushes do people recommend I'm putting in an order soon need advice :) 

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Soap and glory part 2 :)

I have some more soap and glory products too review today! I was looking through my old posts and thought I'd go back to my first one but better, with different products I've used since. Obviously in my first post I hardly wrote about many products from this brand and of course I've tried a lot more besides them. So let's get this show started! 
Let's start with scrubs. 
' sugar crush body scrub ' 

This product is great. The smell is nothing I've ever smelt, it has strange ingredients that you can't imagine together so you can really smell them. 

Crushed brown sugar, sweet lime, almond oil and macadamia grains 
           You can really smell the lime and almond. It's strong but not to strong that it puts you off. It's a great scrub does what you want it too, I think the packaging design on the front is nice too. I know it doesn't make much different but if it was plain and boring you wouldn't want to buy it. 
      You can buy this product either from amazon or boots. 
'Pulp friction '
As you can see this body scrub won the stylist skin care award 2012. 
     I decided to buy this one because I liked the fact it foamed up. I just got interested by that factor of the product. Also the fact it said it had a foamy fruity smell. ( this was true) It worked as well as other scrub but with that extra bonus. I really enjoyed this product( its not finished) I don't know if I'd repurchase just because it didn't seem to last long, maybe but it was a tube. My others seem to last alot longer. It wasn't as expensive as the other soap and glory scrubs, but I guess I don't mind paying more if it'll last longer. 
       Maybe one day I'll re buy it, but for now I don't have plans to. 
But I will say if you also are interested in trying a foamy scrub this is the one for you! 

This product can be bought from the same places. Amazon and boots. 

A different type of scrub now

' scrub your nose in it ' 

Let's talk about about a different type of scrub now, a facial one. This one doubles up as a scrub and a mask. 
      It is supposed to ' help recline larges pores and prevent blemishes' a tall order but I think it does it's job. It's a good product, and I have noticed a change in my skin, I have always had bad skin and it helps quite a bit. 
     One thing I don't like is the smell. It's horrible ; it is minty and is just like a heap toothpaste, it is obviously something in it. But I don't like it one bit. It hurts my eyes because it's so strong. 
     Aside from that, I do like it and would more then likely re purchase when it runs out, unless someone advises a better one? Any suggestions?

Onto hair, obviously this is a smell part. 

' glad hair day ' 
I randomly went into boots and decided to buy some hair stuff. Purely because I keep trying different body products etc and wondered what the hair ones were like. 
         Both of these products were £5.50 each from boots, but as most people know boots ' soap and glory ' is 99% of the time on 3 for 2. I haven't bought anything that hasn't been in this promotion.  
       I didn't really like the product. It was ok. But I won't be buying it again. It wasnt anything special or amazing. The smell was nice, but I have used better at cheaper price, or at the same price. 



Can you believe I'm writing about Christmas already! 
     But of course it's the best time of the year, cold winters days, cuddling up on the sofa, films on the sofa. Christmas adverts. Busy shops. There are loads of things I love about the time of the year. 
      But anyway onto it ; I have already been Christmas shopping. Only a few little things, but I love buying early it gets me all excited and happy an warm inside. I love buying. Things for people, knowing it'll make them happy. It's wonderful pleasing other people. 
       As each day goes ( yes I know it's ages yet ) I can get away with buying things and getting excited. 
Thinking what to get people is lovely, and then thinking about wrapping ideas ( I think that's way to early ) but it's so exciting. It's mine and my partners 2nd Christmas living together. And this year we are spending most of day alone in our house this year and then visiting family because we thought It would be nice spend the morning in bed with breakfast and a few meaningful presents :)
     Enough about it anyway :p get shopping everyone you'll feel good! 
                                                Nicola xxx 

I'm going to be an auntie!

I had to do a post just purely because I'm excited, 
I only have 1 sister and sadly I never have the opportunity to err have any more ; but yes as the total says. I'm going to be an auntie. My sister is twelve weeks pregnant ( it means I have a while to wait until we know the sex ) but with it being my first niece or nephew they will get spoilt rotten! Isn't having a new family in the baby a blessing and a beautiful thing. I'm so excited( obviously thinking about all the money it's going to cost ) but it's so exciting!!! 

Favourite's in life!

This post is all about me today, I'd like my readers to know about me ( if anyone cares :p ) 

Favourite alcoholic drink 
I have to admit its not very classy for a girl but I love cider, weather it's normal apple of flavoured like kopperberg etc.

Favourite walkers crisps
I hardly ever see them around anymore :( but I love ' BBQ rib ' does anyone remember them? The black ones. They are the best ones ever. I miss seeing them around. 

Favourite ice lollies
I love nobbly bobbly's the lollies with the balls around them like 100's and 1000's it's chocolate and strawberry ice cream in the middle. They are beautiful, so maybe this ice lolly one needs two! Because I have another favourite one! ZAPP! Please tell me people know what I'm talking about because they are beautiful. I can't describe the taste but they ate multi coloured. Yummy yummy. 

Favourite ice cream 
Coffee! I hate coffee in general I love any thing coffee flavoured but not the drink ( strange taste buds aren't they ) it's just hard to buy but luckily I live at a sea side so there is enough ice cream shops to choose from. 

Favourite fruit 
I love grapes. Obviously strawberries are everyone's favourite but I love green grapes. The problem is I just eat them too quick, so have to keep buying them which is a nightmare. 

Favourite colours ( I'll allow two ) 
Red and black. I think everyone's changes constantly, mines gone from purple to pink to blue. But at this exact moment they are my favourites. I like them on clothes, decorations, nail vanish etc.

Favourite band
This one is a hard because I have a lot of bands I like to listen to, but I like the script, I have all their albums, and this year I did actually have tickets to go and see them but sadly I couldn't go because I got seriously Ill. 

Favourite tv shows ( yes shows ) 
How I met your mother, glee, corrie,eastenders and hollyoaks. Yes there are a fair few ( and some make me an old granny, but never mind. I could watch them all, all day! 

Favourite animal 
A orca whale ( killer whale ) I love them, and I know it's a strange animal to like its not like you can keep one as a pet in your garden. But I think since I was a kid and of course watched ' free willy ' I got obsessed, I've seen really ones in life and yes ( got emotional ) I just love how elegantly they move and how beautiful they look in general 

Favourite Disney chacater 
Stitch! I love him ( I have teddies at the age of 19 ) 

Favourite horror films
Night mare on elm street or final destination ( I say scary but neither are really ) I love them! 

Favourite love film 
The notebook, it makes me cry every day, but of course I've seen a lot that could possibly be contenders but at the end of the day it's always the same, because it's so beautifully written and portrayed. 

Thank you for reading. 
Ask me some more I will be willing to do any that you request! 
                                                Nicola xxx

Monday 29 July 2013

Train journeys

I''m sure not many people will care about this post. But doesn't it make you laugh that Nottingham would close their station during the 6 weeks holidays! How insane! The busiest time of the year when people want to go on holiday ect and they close it.... Mad! 
      Also another thing that makes me laugh, when people get on a train and there must be about 10 people already got on the train, there is 3 carriages, so why would people think they have to run to get a seat?! It's crazy. Some silly people in this world. They make me laugh! 

Random post but I thought I'd make you laugh :) 

Friday 26 July 2013

Life's tough times!

I'm sure we've all had moments in life when we've sat and said to our selfs ' why is it always me' ' where's my good luck ' or you could be just the opposite. 
       Life's hard, you lose you loved one at some point, you go through hard times and obviously the good. Money troubles, enough money to go on holiday, and back around again. Life literally changes every day, but you also never know what's going to happen, tomorrow could bring a number of things, happiness sadness many different unexpected emotions. You could win the lottery and sadly get hit by a bus. People say ' live every day like its your last ' but I'm sure at some point people wish it was their last. How can you live it when it's sad, and heart breaking etc. 
         So I guess the point I'm trying to say is life is a roller coaster full of unexpected twists turns and being chucked upside down. But you always have to try and look at the bright side of life, think of one thing good in your life; just smile. Smiling leads to happiness eventually, it might take a long time, but life can be a long time. Don't dwell! 

I know today's different but it's been one of those hard weeks. 
Thank you, love you
                                               Nicola xxx

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Updated fake tan! Enjoy

I keep reading blogs about fake fan recently and re read through my post about fake tan and then realised how poor the description was! ( must of Been a bad day) so lets start again, I'm going to delete that post and do it over! With pictures. I will speak about packaging, price,value for money, and will rate out of ten for everyone!!! 
I thought that we would start with fake bake products because I have a few. 

So first up is the ' fake bake airbrush' as you can see its a spray format, In very beautiful and stylish packaging. It makes the product looks expensive with it being gold with the black at the bottom. This product is very good, because it's easy to use, instead of getting fake tan possibly on your hands you are safe, but it helps if you have someone to help because it's awkward to reach certain places. Your back is very hard to do alone. So bare having someone with you when you use. Brings out a nice colour, not to orange, but I also think every skin tone reacts different so bare that in mind aswell. 
This retails at- £20 in the uk 
This is amazon prices and here's a link to check it out

I would give this product 7/10 
I like it but like I said its awkward to do alone. 

Next up is another fake bake product as promised :) 
' fake bake flawless ' I'm sure this is the most obvious fake bake one from the range. It's a pure classic. It comes with a mitt and a pump to make it easier for application. 
       The tanning mitt is a good quality one aswell, this product is also good packaging, this is a fake tan you have to keep on over night and obviously has the fake tan smell and I wouldn't reccommend it on white sheets, but I'm sure 90% of fake tans are like that. This is a good product though, and I really liked it. This is where you can buy this product from at - £16.11
I'm going to give this product a 7/10. I like the overall product and would repurchase again. 

' fake bake 60 minutes ' I love this product! It's perfect for a rush day, or even if you just don't want to sleep wearing the tan because of the smell or it'll ruin your sheets. There are many reasons why people don't like to sleep wearing tan over night. 
      Obviously this tan does what it says on the bottle. It's 60 minutes tan. So you simply put the tan on and you can wait just one hour to wash the top layer off. You can leave it on upto 3 hours for a maxium tan. I normally do it twice, wait 2 hours for both coats and then I have the desired colour I want. Obviously all the packagings are similar, but any girl that fake tans would love this version because its pink! 
      This product is perfect, outside and inside, I highly recommend this to anyone who likes tanning. Quick and simple. I will make sure I re buy this product ( hopefully it doesn't run out any time soon ) it's my best fake tan I own, and have ever owned. 
I found it hard to find this product hard at first, I know amazon is cheaper because every where else is £24.99, but it appears to be unavailable to buy from amazon. But if you would like to purchase check around to get a good deal!

I give this product a 10/10 personal opinion but I love how easy it is to use, and how quick it drys. 

Here is a link on official fake bake website where you can buy products.

This website shows a lot of different ones, and I'm sure everyone can find one they would like. 

Next up! 
Gradual tanners, I have a few of these so I thought it would only be right to add them to this detailed description to help people decide if they are looking for a tanner but something not too heavy. 
First we have the ' palmers natural bronze gradual tanner ' this one smells amazing! Obviously it has the norml coco butter smell, which is amazing because it's normally the smell of tabs ect that put people off. 
This is obviously just normal palmers packaging, but it's cream instead of white. And yes my one is very messy, obviously with tan ( looks minging ) 
             This tan is great because you can reapply  a few times a week if your not happy with the colour, if it's not dark enough, but obviously it's not designed to be the stero typical orange tan. 
I found it hard to find this product in the shops, every where seemed to be out o stock when I looked, but I finally manage to find some! I'll put some links underneath of shops to find it in, instead of buying online.
As you can see at the moment it's cheaper in superdrug because of a promotion.
Surprisingly it is also on promotion at boots! Which is a bonus 

It is also sold on amazon but the prices seem a little dear. 
I'm going to rate this product a 8/10.
This smell is a huge advantage to this product! 

' dove summer glow ' this product is around everywhere, in supermarkets the normal beauty/ drugstore shops and others. I have seen it everywhere recently. 
    I bought this is a whole ago and have only used it twice. Obviously it just does just as it says. Gives you a summer glow, without the streaks etc. ( you will get streaks with any gradual tanner If you are not careful with application. But 80% of the time be careful and it'll look just how you expect it too. The smell is just he usual tan ish biscuit smell. You can get it in different shades, light to medium and medium to dark. Me being thick I didn't realise that when I first bought it, an instead o getting the light one( which is the one I need ) I got the darker one, so the tan comes out a little darker than I anticipated but if I repurchase I will make sure that I buy the correct one. My silly mistake!  
     It's an okay tan though, for a gradual one, and it isn't too pricy. 
I don't think I'll buy it again as I have a lot of different ones open at the same time ( and I hate it!) So maybe when ive finished a few I might think about it. 
This is the link where you can buy it from :) at £5.10 full price.
I rate this 7/10

A few random tans! 

This is an old tan that I've had for a while, and to be honest I don't know why I'm keeping it, I didn't like it the first few times I used it, but I like to give things a chance, and will think about trying it out again one day this summer. Maybe..... 
There isn't much to say about this tan, because it's not very exciting ( hopefully ill change my mind. I'll keep you updated if I try it again, and just give up and throw it away. We will see :) 

I couldn't believe it when I researched this! How expensive it is now, I know when I bought it I paid no where near as much for it. It is now a huge £13.49 which I think is expensive for a loreal tan. Very surprised by this. 
I give it a low 5/10 

Next up ( I don't have a picture ) as I'm writing this on my iPad and I'm struggling to upload a picture. 
Of course it is the ST MORIZ! 
Everyone knows this is the cheap alternertive to ' st tropez' but about an eigth of the price. It's about £3. Who would of thought anyone could make a product so cheap. How do they make a profit? And you can buy this from anywhere, home bargains, savers anywhere less expensive will stock it. 
       It's not obviously as good as the high end tans, but it works it gives you color. Yes it smells and yes it can streak, but if you used to tanning and are good st applying it you might as well try it. 
I wasn't going to add this product but thought I should. 
I give it a 8/10 purely for the price! 

I know it's been a long post but I hope everyone appreciates it, and if it helps one person then I've done my job. Thank you so much for reading! 
                                                                                                                                            Nicola xxx